Eat / Healing Leaky Gut:

Healing leaky gut: day 22

Another “stay at home with sick kids-day”, this time with the eldest daughter...Today I made Kale chips and Honey Candied Ginger and Bacon-Apple Burgers with Cranberry Sauce. It's fun to try new creations, especially now that I've prioritized my time in the kitchen. Instead of trying to make the food as quickly as possible, I'm enjoying all the smells, colors and flavors. When was the last time you spent luxurious time in the kitchen?


Raspberry Smoothie



Kale chips (kale chips)


1 liter loose-packed kale (cut out the middle, i.e. only the thin parts are used)

1 tbsp avocado oil

A pinch of salt


Cut off the hard part in the middle and cut the cabbage into crisp-sized pieces. Wash the cabbage and leave to dry. This step is important. If the cabbage is wet, you will not get crispy chips.

Place in an ovenproof tray, pour in the oil and mix well, making sure the oil is evenly distributed. Salt lightly. Place in the oven, 135 degrees for 45-60 minutes. Eat immediately or they will become soft. Enjoy!


Turkey Cabbage Rolls



Ginger honey and honey-candied ginger


200 gr fresh ginger

5 dl water

3 dl honey


Peel and cut the ginger into pieces as thin as possible.

Boil the ginger in the water for about 45 minutes with the lid on. Then boil without the lid for another 15 minutes.

Drain the water, but leave 0.75 dl in the pot with the ginger. Add the honey and cook uncovered on a low heat for about 30 minutes. Pour into a glass jar. Leave to cool. Store in the refrigerator. Enjoy!

I love ginger and its positive effects. Here, a small spoonful or a small piece of ginger is enough as it really is a concentrated ginger flavor. Great to have in tea or to snack on!


Bacon-Apple Burgers with Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry sauce


5 dl fresh or frozen cranberries

1 dl maple syrup

0.5 dl water


Bring the cranberries, maple syrup and water to the boil in a saucepan.

Cook uncovered for about 12 minutes, until all the cranberries have broken down.

Leave to cool and refrigerate for at least an hour before serving. Enjoy!

Bacon-Apple Burgers


800 gr turkey or chicken mince

150 gr bacon

1 large apple

1 red onion

2 teaspoons fresh rosemary

0.5 tsp sea salt


Fry bacon until crispy, let cool on paper towels, cut into small pieces. Cut the apple and onion into small pieces. First fry the onion until soft, then add the apple. Fry for a further 10 minutes. Add the bacon, rosemary and salt. Mix well. Leave the mixture to cool.

Then mix well with the mince. Shape into burgers and fry for about 10 minutes per side. Enjoy!

The eldest daughter renamed these burgers “Cannon Burgers” instead of Turkey Burgers...I ate my burgers with salad. The kids ate them with bread. If I hadn't stashed away a bunch, I bet my husband would have devoured them all. A hit in other words! I loved the cranberry sauce, reminds me of lingonberry jam...and I could eat that with anything!

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