Children / Think:

Time is high up on my wish list!

I wish for time.

Time is like an endangered flower, an endangered species. At least if you are a parent and especially if you are the parent of a baby. Being there for a new little person all the time is absolutely wonderful, but at the same time so incredibly time-consuming and binding. In my case, I am available 24 hours a day, and should I have the occasional time to do something else, then I'll also have the energy to do those things I dream about when I'm with my baby all the time, like taking a shower in peace, going shopping, sitting down undisturbed and drinking a cup of tea or, like tonight, getting a whole 2 hours to produce something (writing and working on my website gives me energy, as long as I don't make it a must).

Producing a 2-hour article right here and now. Because that's what we decided, my husband and I, when we planned that I would get time. Right now I would have to sit here with my computer, without a baby and write. It doesn't matter that my energy level is low, that there was total chaos before I left (baby and older kids very upset that mum was leaving), kids to be showered, story to be read, washing machine to be unplugged and refilled, floors to be vacuumed, food to be set out etc etc. Just to close my eyes to it all and go.

Am I enjoying myself? Well, not yet. It takes a while to settle down after having managed to break away from everyday life. But I finally got time.

I ask myself, how much is it worth for me to have the time?

My answer to that is that it's worth its weight in gold! As cozy as it is to have small children, you can't escape the intensity of everyday life. There's not much breathing room with a baby and then two more kids on top of that. It's when I get time that I have time to reflect and that's when I feel that I wouldn't want to trade my life with someone else. But I need to get away sometimes to breathe in peace, at my own pace. That's when I become a good mother. And at the end of the day, both the kids and the husband appreciate that I actually get time and take that time even though I'm running away from all the musts, letting go of all the responsibility and chaos and just driving away, even if it's just for a short while.

When was the last time you got time, what did you do with it?

Did you take advantage of the time to boost new energy? How do you charge your batteries? If you are not a parent of a toddler, you probably don't understand what I mean, if that time has already passed, you probably remember what it was like, but if you are in the middle of it now, I would just like to say that I wish you get time sometimes to do something that is energizing for you, and boosts your energy because YOU need it now more than ever!!

So, it was done! The article is written, the time I took is over and I return home with much more energy than I had when I left everyday life behind for a while. Very clever and worth its weight in gold! Tomorrow I will wake up as a better mother:-)

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